Special Collections offers a range of services for instructors interested in teaching with and about the books, manuscripts, and other material in our collections. Special Collections staff can provide help with identifying appropriate material and developing class assignments. We are also prepared to assist with or conduct any of a variety of instruction sessions ranging from a general introduction to the resources that are available in the Special Collections Library to an in-depth presentation on specific materials and their historical contexts.

Special Collections Instruction

Students who encounter primary sources gain a unique window into the subject they are studying, and an opportunity to learn firsthand how primary sources are used to create original research. As they learn to successfully use primary sources, they also gain important skills that help them navigate the use of other information sources, and further develop critical thinking skills.

Instruction can come in many forms, including:

  • General introductions to finding and using our materials
  • Specialized sessions on resource discovery tailored to a specific course or assignment
  • Demonstrations or hands-on instruction on using research tools, such as the 在线博彩 Finding Aids For Archives and Manuscripts site and our digital collections within the Digital Library of Georgia.

Request an instruction session by contacting Special Collections via email at least two weeks in advance.

Do you have a course or assignment that incorporates primary source research or Special Collections and University Archives materials into the final product or learning outcome? We are happy to meet with you to discuss ways your students can interact with our materials. We can assist you with identifying relevant materials for your course or assignment or to think of creative ways to integrate primary research into your class.

Encourage students who encounter difficult research problems to schedule a consultation with Special Collections. We can provide a general introduction to finding and using our materials, or a specialized session on resource discovery tailored to a specific course or assignment.

Our staff can give basic departmental tours and exhibit “gallery talks” to groups. Faculty, students, and external researchers are encouraged to schedule a tour at least two weeks in advance. For more information email special@c178.net